Package com.brightcove.player.event

package com.brightcove.player.event
  • Class
    Provides some common implementation that useful to all that interact with RegisteringEventEmitters components, including: Maintaining a reference to an EventEmitter Wraps incoming EventEmitter in a RegisteringEventEmitter Ensures incoming EventEmitter is not null Maintains a collection of EventListener tokens for use with Provides standard required method for initializing Event listeners
    Implements an EventListener and calls processEvent on a background thread.
    Classes that implement this interface will be designed to work with the EventEmitter System Classes that implement this interface should use the Emits and ListensFor annotations
    This annotation should be used to mark the processEvent method when declaring a subclass of EventListener.
    Annotation used for Component classes in order to describe what EventTypes this Component will Emits
    Represents a single Event, that is designed to be passed down a chain of listeners.
    Defines the public facing api for classes that wish to emit events.
    The 'Main' implementation of EventEmitter.
    Abstract class used as part of the event registration process.
    Simple class that can be used to listen to and log out information on all emitted events.
    This interface provides a way implement alternative logging.
    Maintains a list of Event types that the system is aware of.
    Annotation used for Component classes in order to describe what EventTypes this Component will ListensFor.
    Immutable object the describes a media event.
    The RegisteringEventEmitter allows developers to constrain which events their Components are intended to listen for and emit.