BCOVDAIAdsRequestPolicy Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in BCOVDAIAdsRequestPolicy.h

+ videoPropertiesAdsRequestPolicy

Returns an ads request policy that checks each BCOVVideo’s properties for kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeySourceId and kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyVideoId keys. The values from the keys will be used to construct an IMAStreamRequest for that playback session.

+ (instancetype)videoPropertiesAdsRequestPolicy

Return Value

An ads request policy that generates an IMAStreamRequest.


Returns an ads request policy that checks each BCOVVideo’s properties for kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeySourceId and kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyVideoId keys. The values from the keys will be used to construct an IMAStreamRequest for that playback session.

Use this policy when you want the ability to specify a different VOD content source and video IDs.

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+ videoPropertiesAssetKeyAdsRequestPolicy

Returns an ads request policy that checks each BCOVVideo’s properties for kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyAssetKey key. The value from the key will be used to construct an IMAStreamRequest for that playback session.

+ (instancetype)videoPropertiesAssetKeyAdsRequestPolicy

Return Value

An ads request policy that generates an IMAStreamRequest.


Returns an ads request policy that checks each BCOVVideo’s properties for kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyAssetKey key. The value from the key will be used to construct an IMAStreamRequest for that playback session.

Use this policy for LIVE streams.

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