BCOVGoogleCastManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to BCOVPlaybackSessionConsumer
Declared in BCOVGoogleCastManager.h

Other Methods

– prepareForReuse

Resets the state of the BCOVGoogleCastManager instance

- (void)prepareForReuse


If using a shared BCOVGoogleCastManager instance across view controllers you can call this method as needed to clear out data pertaining to the previously cast video.

Declared In



The delegate object that will receive events from the manager

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate> delegate


The delegate object that will receive events from the manager

Declared In



The GCKImage that will be used when there is no poster image available for a video

@property (nonatomic, strong) GCKImage *fallbackPosterImage


The GCKImage that will be used when there is no poster image available for a video

Declared In



The height and width that you want to use for the GCKImage object image that is created. Defaults to 480h x 720w

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGSize posterImageSize


The height and width that you want to use for the GCKImage object image that is created. Defaults to 480h x 720w

Declared In



Whether to use a language variant, if available, with GCKMediaMetadata

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useLocalizedVariantForCastMediaMedadata


Whether to use a language variant, if available, with GCKMediaMetadata

Defaults to YES

Declared In



Whether to create GCKMediaTrack objects from the BCOVVideo’s “text_tracks”. DASH and HLS v3 sources will allow the Google Cast SDK to determine available VTT sources.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL createMediaTracks


Whether to create GCKMediaTrack objects from the BCOVVideo’s “text_tracks”. DASH and HLS v3 sources will allow the Google Cast SDK to determine available VTT sources.

You can enable this feature if the Google Cast SDK is not automatically finding VTT sources that should be available for your video.

You can also add additional GCKMediaTrack options by using the willBuildMediaInformationBuilder: delegate method and updating the mediaTracks array on the builder object.

Defaults to NO

Declared In


BrightcoveCastReceiver Methods

– initForBrightcoveReceiverApp:

The Google Cast receiver app configuration

- (instancetype)initForBrightcoveReceiverApp:(BCOVReceiverAppConfig *)appConfig



The Google Cast receiver app configuration

Return Value

An instance of BCOVGoogleCastManager configured to make use of the Brightcove Google Cast Receiver App.

Declared In



@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) BCOVReceiverAppConfig *appConfig