BCOVSessionProviderExtension(BCOVSSAIAdditions) Category Reference

Declared in BCOVSSAIComponent.h


SSAI specific methods for the plugin context.


The value of this property indicates whether the receiver will ignore ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler: or not. The value is NO when either an ad is in progress or the receiver is still processing a previous messaging of ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler:; otherwise, the value of this property is YES. See also ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler:.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL ssai_canSeek


The value of this property indicates whether the receiver will ignore ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler: or not. The value is NO when either an ad is in progress or the receiver is still processing a previous messaging of ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler:; otherwise, the value of this property is YES. See also ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler:.

Declared In


– ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler:

This method implements the default seek behaviour for the BCOVSSAI plugin. This method must be called on the main thread. The receiver will ignore this message when either an ad is in progress or a previous call to ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler: is still being processed. See also ssai_canSeek.

- (void)ssai_seekToTime:(CMTime)time completionHandler:(void ( ^ ) ( BOOL finished ))completionHandler



The logical time to seek to


The block to execute when the seek is performed


This method implements the default seek behaviour for the BCOVSSAI plugin. This method must be called on the main thread. The receiver will ignore this message when either an ad is in progress or a previous call to ssai_seekToTime:completionHandler: is still being processed. See also ssai_canSeek.

The rules are as follows:

  • If seeking to end of the logical content time, the post rolls will play.
  • If seeking over an ad sequence, the ad will play, and the playhead will resume where the seek had attempted to seek to.
  • If seeking over multiple ad sequences, only the last ad sequence will play.
  • If seeking backwards, no ads will play.
  • If seeking over ads that have already been played, they will play again.

Declared In


– ssai_absoluteTimeAtContentTime:

Returns the absolute time that corresponds to the specified content time.

- (CMTime)ssai_absoluteTimeAtContentTime:(CMTime)contentTime



A time offset into the video content.

Return Value

The absolute time that corresponds to the specified content time.


Returns the absolute time that corresponds to the specified content time.

This method is used to obtain an absolute stream time that corresponds to a time that is relative to the content. For example, the stream may include a thirty-second ad sequence at kCMTimeZero, after which the content begins. In this case, a content time of zero would correspond to an absolute stream time of thirty seconds, and a content time of 2:00 would correspond to an absolute stream time of 2:30 (assuming no other ad sequences occur before that time).

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– ssai_contentTimeAtAbsoluteTime:

Returns the content time that corresponds to the specified absolute time.

- (CMTime)ssai_contentTimeAtAbsoluteTime:(CMTime)absoluteTime



A time offset into the video payload.

Return Value

The content time that corresponds to the specified absolute time.


Returns the content time that corresponds to the specified absolute time.

This method is used to obtain a content stream time that corresponds to a time that is relative to the payload. For example, the stream may include a thirty-second ad sequence at 1:30, after which the content begins.

In this case, a content time of zero would correspond to an absolute stream time of zero, a content time of 2:00 would correspond to an absolute stream time of 2:30, and a content time of 1:30 would correspond to any absolute stream time from 1:30 to 2:00.

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