BCOVPlaybackService Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in BrightcovePlayerSDK-Swift.h


The BCOVPlaybackService class provides asynchronous methods for retrieving information about videos from Brightcove’s Playback API.


Error domain for BCOVPlaybackService.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ErrorDomain


Error domain for BCOVPlaybackService.

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+ ErrorDomain

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ErrorDomain


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceErrorCode.JSONDeserializationError. This is the raw response data. This may not exist in error.userInfo.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ErrorKeyRawResponseData


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceErrorCode.JSONDeserializationError. This is the raw response data. This may not exist in error.userInfo.

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+ ErrorKeyRawResponseData

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ErrorKeyRawResponseData


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceError.CodeAPIError. This is an NSArray of errors returned by the Playback API.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ErrorKeyAPIErrors


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceError.CodeAPIError. This is an NSArray of errors returned by the Playback API.

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+ ErrorKeyAPIErrors

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ErrorKeyAPIErrors


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceErrorCode.APIError. This is the HTTP status code returned by the API request.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ErrorKeyAPIHTTPStatusCode


Key for NSError.userInfo for errors with domain BCOVPlaybackService.ErrorDomain and errorCode BCOVPlaybackServiceErrorCode.APIError. This is the HTTP status code returned by the API request.

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+ ErrorKeyAPIHTTPStatusCode

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ErrorKeyAPIHTTPStatusCode



@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ParameterKeyLimit



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+ ParameterKeyLimit

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ParameterKeyLimit



@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ParameterKeyOffset



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+ ParameterKeyOffset

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ParameterKeyOffset


Parameter dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService methods that return a playlist or video. This key sets the SSAI ad config ID. This constant can be used in place of the string value “ad_config_id”.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ParamaterKeyAdConfigId


Parameter dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService methods that return a playlist or video. This key sets the SSAI ad config ID. This constant can be used in place of the string value “ad_config_id”.

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+ ParamaterKeyAdConfigId

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ParamaterKeyAdConfigId


Parameter dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService methods that return a playlist or video. This key enables Dynamic Delivery Rules for just-in-time manifest generation. This constant can be used in place of the string value “config_id”.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ParameterKeyDeliveryConfigId


Parameter dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService methods that return a playlist or video. This key enables Dynamic Delivery Rules for just-in-time manifest generation. This constant can be used in place of the string value “config_id”.

Declared In


+ ParameterKeyDeliveryConfigId

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ParameterKeyDeliveryConfigId


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a playlist using a playlist ID or a video using a video ID. Takes presedence over ConfigurationKeyAssetReferenceID if these keys are used together.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ConfigurationKeyAssetID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a playlist using a playlist ID or a video using a video ID. Takes presedence over ConfigurationKeyAssetReferenceID if these keys are used together.

Declared In


+ ConfigurationKeyAssetID

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ConfigurationKeyAssetID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a playlist using a playlist reference ID or a video using a video reference ID. Is ignored in favor of ConfigurationKeyAssetID if these keys are used together.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ConfigurationKeyAssetReferenceID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a playlist using a playlist reference ID or a video using a video reference ID. Is ignored in favor of ConfigurationKeyAssetID if these keys are used together.

Declared In


+ ConfigurationKeyAssetReferenceID

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ConfigurationKeyAssetReferenceID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a video or playlist using an auth token.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ConfigurationKeyAuthToken


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a video or playlist using an auth token.

Declared In


+ ConfigurationKeyAuthToken

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ConfigurationKeyAuthToken


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a bumper video for video or playlist using a video ID. Takes presedence over ConfigurationKeyBumperReferenceID if these keys are used together.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ConfigurationKeyBumperID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a bumper video for video or playlist using a video ID. Takes presedence over ConfigurationKeyBumperReferenceID if these keys are used together.

Declared In


+ ConfigurationKeyBumperID

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ConfigurationKeyBumperID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a bumper video for video or playlist using a video reference ID. Is ignored in favor of ConfigurationKeyBumperID if these keys are used together.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *ConfigurationKeyBumperReferenceID


Configuration dictionary key for BCOVPlaybackService’s findVideoWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: and findPlaylistWithConfiguration:parameters:completion: methods. The value for this key will be used to fetch a bumper video for video or playlist using a video reference ID. Is ignored in favor of ConfigurationKeyBumperID if these keys are used together.

Declared In


+ ConfigurationKeyBumperReferenceID

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)ConfigurationKeyBumperReferenceID


NSURLSession shared across all network calls to the BCOVPlaybackService. This object is created when the Playback Service is initialized. If you wish to use your own NSURLSession you can set it here. If set to nil, the default NSURLSession will be re-created.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLSession *sharedURLSession


NSURLSession shared across all network calls to the BCOVPlaybackService. This object is created when the Playback Service is initialized. If you wish to use your own NSURLSession you can set it here. If set to nil, the default NSURLSession will be re-created.

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The watermarking token for use with Forensic Watermarking

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *watermarkingToken


The watermarking token for use with Forensic Watermarking

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– initWithAccountId:policyKey:

returns: An initialized instance.

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithAccountId:(NSString *_Nonnull)accountId policyKey:(NSString *_Nullable)policyKey


returns: An initialized instance.

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– initWithRequestFactory:

returns: An initialized instance.

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRequestFactory:(BCOVPlaybackServiceRequestFactory *_Nonnull)requestFactory


returns: An initialized instance.

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– findPlaylistWithConfiguration:queryParameters:completion:

- (void)findPlaylistWithConfiguration:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nonnull)configuration queryParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nullable)queryParameters completion:(void ( ^ _Nonnull ) ( BCOVPlaylist *_Nullable , id _Nullable , NSError *_Nullable ))completion

– findVideoWithConfiguration:queryParameters:completion:

- (void)findVideoWithConfiguration:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nonnull)configuration queryParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nullable)queryParameters completion:(void ( ^ _Nonnull ) ( BCOVVideo *_Nullable , id _Nullable , NSError *_Nullable ))completion

+ sourceFromJSONDictionary:

returns: The initialized source.

+ (BCOVSource *_Nullable)sourceFromJSONDictionary:(id _Nullable)json


returns: The initialized source.

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+ cuePointFromJSONDictionary:

returns: The initialized cue point.

+ (BCOVCuePoint *_Nullable)cuePointFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *_Nonnull)json


returns: The initialized cue point.

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+ playlistFromJSONDictionary:

returns: The initialized playlist.

+ (BCOVPlaylist *_Nullable)playlistFromJSONDictionary:(id _Nonnull)json


returns: The initialized playlist.

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+ videoFromJSONDictionary:

returns: The initialized video.

+ (BCOVVideo *_Nullable)videoFromJSONDictionary:(id _Nonnull)json


returns: The initialized video.

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– init

- (nonnull instancetype)init

+ new

+ (nonnull instancetype)new