BCOVSSConstants Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in BrightcovePlayerSDK-Swift.h



@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *VideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks



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+ VideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)VideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks


The key for the NSString URL to the text track. This key is required. Text track source can be either an M3U8 subtitle playlist or a WebVTT file. WebVTT URLs should have a “.vtt” extension, and M3U8 playlist files should have an “m3u8” extension. If your URL cannot follow this convention, you need to specify the format of the file referenced by your URL with the TextTracksKeySourceType key.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeySource


The key for the NSString URL to the text track. This key is required. Text track source can be either an M3U8 subtitle playlist or a WebVTT file. WebVTT URLs should have a “.vtt” extension, and M3U8 playlist files should have an “m3u8” extension. If your URL cannot follow this convention, you need to specify the format of the file referenced by your URL with the TextTracksKeySourceType key.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeySource

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeySource


The key for the NSString language of the text track. This key is required.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeySourceLanguage


The key for the NSString language of the text track. This key is required.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeySourceLanguage

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeySourceLanguage


The key for the NSString name of the text track. This key is required.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeyLabel


The key for the NSString name of the text track. This key is required.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeyLabel

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeyLabel


The key for the NSNumber of Integer value for duration of the text_track. If the text track source is a .vtt file, the duration of the .vtt file is required in order for subtitles to be displayed. If the video and .vtt file were retrieved through BCOVPlaybackService, the plugin will the attempt to use the video properties value keyed by “duration” to satisfy this requirement. If building videos manually, this key is required. If text track is .m3u8, this key will be ignored.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeyDuration


The key for the NSNumber of Integer value for duration of the text_track. If the text track source is a .vtt file, the duration of the .vtt file is required in order for subtitles to be displayed. If the video and .vtt file were retrieved through BCOVPlaybackService, the plugin will the attempt to use the video properties value keyed by “duration” to satisfy this requirement. If building videos manually, this key is required. If text track is .m3u8, this key will be ignored.

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+ TextTracksKeyDuration

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeyDuration


The key for the NSNumber of BOOL that indicates if the text track is the default. This key is optional.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeyDefault


The key for the NSNumber of BOOL that indicates if the text track is the default. This key is optional.

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+ TextTracksKeyDefault

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeyDefault


The key for the NSString mime type of the text track. This key is optional.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeyMIMEType


The key for the NSString mime type of the text track. This key is optional.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeyMIMEType

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeyMIMEType


The key for the NSString kind of the text track. This key is required. The value of this key should be either TextTracksKindSubtitles or TextTrackKindCaptions.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeyKind


The key for the NSString kind of the text track. This key is required. The value of this key should be either TextTracksKindSubtitles or TextTrackKindCaptions.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeyKind

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeyKind


A text track kind value that indicates that a text track kind is subtitles. Also see TextTracksKeyKind and TextTracksKindCaptions.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKindSubtitles


A text track kind value that indicates that a text track kind is subtitles. Also see TextTracksKeyKind and TextTracksKindCaptions.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKindSubtitles

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKindSubtitles


A text track kind value that indicates that a text track kind is closed captions. Also see TextTracksKeyKind and TextTracksKindSubtitles.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKindCaptions


A text track kind value that indicates that a text track kind is closed captions. Also see TextTracksKeyKind and TextTracksKindSubtitles.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKindCaptions

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKindCaptions


An NSDictionary key used to specify the type of file referred to by the TextTracksKeySource URL. This NSDictionary key can take one of two values: TracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL to indicate that the TracksKeySourceType URL refers to a WebVTT file, or TracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL to indicate that the TracksKeySourceType URL refers to an M3U8 file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL does not use a “.vtt” or “.m3u8” extension.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeySourceType


An NSDictionary key used to specify the type of file referred to by the TextTracksKeySource URL. This NSDictionary key can take one of two values: TracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL to indicate that the TracksKeySourceType URL refers to a WebVTT file, or TracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL to indicate that the TracksKeySourceType URL refers to an M3U8 file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL does not use a “.vtt” or “.m3u8” extension.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeySourceType

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeySourceType


An NSDictionary value used to indicate that the source URL refers to a WebVTT file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL refers to a WebVTT file, but does not use a “.vtt” extension.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL


An NSDictionary value used to indicate that the source URL refers to a WebVTT file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL refers to a WebVTT file, but does not use a “.vtt” extension.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL


An NSDictionary value used to indicate that the source URL refers to an M3U8 file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL refers to an M3U8 file, but does not use an “.m3u8” extension.

@property (nonatomic, class, readonly, copy) NSString *TextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL


An NSDictionary value used to indicate that the source URL refers to an M3U8 file. This key/value pair is only necessary if the source URL refers to an M3U8 file, but does not use an “.m3u8” extension.

Declared In


+ TextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL

+ (NSString *_Nonnull)TextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL

– init

- (nonnull instancetype)init