BCOVSourceProtocol Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in BrightcovePlayerSDK-Swift.h


A specific “source” or rendition within a BCOVVideo object. While Brightcove organizes content into entities called videos, the actual media URLs at which the content can be accessed is encapsulated by a source. In addition to the URL, a source may have an optional delivery type which can be used to help disambiguate it from other sources, and a set of properties distinct from the properties on the video which owns it. Note that it is valid for a video to contain multiple sources with the same delivery type, in which case the sources must be disambiguated by some other means (such as with different values in their respective properties).

  url required method

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSURL *url

Declared In


  deliveryMethod required method

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *deliveryMethod

Declared In


  properties required method

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *properties

Declared In


– update: required method

returns: The copy of this source modified by updateBlock.

- (BCOVSource *_Nonnull)update:(SWIFT_NOESCAPE void ( ^ _Nonnull ) ( BCOVMutableSource *_Nonnull ))updateBlock


returns: The copy of this source modified by updateBlock.

Declared In
