Integrating DRM with Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK

This document provides detailed instructions on how to integrate Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies into your media players using the Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) prevents your videos from being played back except in clients that are granted permission to do so. Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK supports several DRM systems to secure video content, including Widevine, PlayReady, and FairPlay, ensuring that your media can be securely streamed across different platforms and devices.


  • A Brightcove account with DRM capabilities enabled.

  • The Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK installed in your project.


  1. Import the Player (with UI) class from the Brightcove SDK.

    import { Player } from '@brightcove/web-sdk';
  2. Create and Configure the Player.

    const player = new Player();
      brightcove: {
        accountId: 'your-account-id',
        auth: { policyKey: 'your-policy-key' }
      drm: {
        widevine: {
          url: 'https://widevine-license-server-url'
        playReady: {
          url: 'https://playready-license-server-url'
        fairPlay: {
          certificateUrl: 'https://fairplay-certificate-server-url',
          licenseUrl: 'https://fairplay-license-server-url'
  3. Attach the Player to a Video Element.

    const videoElement = document.querySelector('video');
  4. Load DRM-protected Content.

    const videoId = 'your-drm-protected-video-id';
    player.getVideoById({ videoId: videoId }).then((videoModel) => {

Complete snippet:

//Import Required Modules
import { Player } from '@brightcove/web-sdk';

//Create and Configure the Player
const player = new Player();
  brightcove: {
    accountId: 'your-account-id',
    auth: { policyKey: 'your-policy-key' }
  drm: {
    widevine: {
      url: 'https://widevine-license-server-url'
    playReady: {
      url: 'https://playready-license-server-url'
    fairPlay: {
      certificateUrl: 'https://fairplay-certificate-server-url',
      licenseUrl: 'https://fairplay-license-server-url'

//Attach the Player to a Video Element
const videoElement = document.querySelector('video');

//Load DRM-protected Content
const videoId = 'your-drm-protected-video-id';
player.getVideoById({ videoId: videoId }).then((videoModel) => {