Integrating IMA3 SSAI Advertising with Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK

This document provides detailed instructions on integrating Interactive Media Ads (IMA3) with the Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK.


Google's Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK allows for the easy integration of video advertising into your media players built with the Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK. The IMA3 integration facilitates pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ad placements, as well as sophisticated ad management capabilities.


  • A Brightcove account with access to the Video Cloud.

  • The Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK installed in your project.

  • Access to the Google IMA SDK resources and an Ad Manager account.


  1. Import the Player (with UI) class from the Brightcove SDK.

    import { Player } from '@brightcove/web-sdk';
  2. Import the ImaServerSide integration class from the Brightcove SDK.

    import { ImaServerSideIntegration } from '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/imaServerSide';
  3. Import the ImaServerSide integration CSS from the Brightcove SDK.

    import '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/imaServerSide/styles.css';
  4. Setup ima-client-side integration.

  5. Create and Configure the Player.

    const player = new Player();
      brightcove: {
        accountId: 'your-account-id',
        auth: { policyKey: 'your-policy-key' }
  6. Attach a video element to the Player instance.

    const videoElement = document.querySelector('video');
  7. Listen to the SdkLoaded event and configure the ad integration using your specific ad tag URL provided by Google Ad Manager., ({ imaServerSideSdk }) => {
      const adTag = 'your-ad-tag-url';

Complete snippet:

// Import the Player (with UI) class from the Brightcove SDK
import {Player} from '@brightcove/web-sdk';

// Import the ImaServerSide integration class from the Brightcove SDK
import { ImaServerSideIntegration } from '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/ImaServerSide';

// Import the ImaServerSide integration CSS from the Brightcove SDK
import '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/ImaServerSide/styles.css';

// Setup ima-client-side integration before creating player

// Create a new Player
const player = new Player();

  brightcove: {
    accountId: 'your-account-id',
    auth: { policyKey: 'your-policy-key' }

// Attach a video element to the Player instance
const videoElement = document.querySelector('video');


// Listen to the SdkLoaded event, ({ ImaServerSideSdk }) => {
  // Use the IMA integration (for example: creating on-demand ad request)
  const adTag = 'your-ad-tag';