Integrating EndScreen with Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK

This document provides comprehensive instructions on how to integrate end screen capabilities using both Custom and Social EndScreen features for the Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK.


The EndScreen integration allows developers to add a customizable end screen to their video player. This can include either a social sharing end screen or a custom end screen. The Social EndScreen feature enhances viewer engagement by allowing viewers to easily share the video on various social media platforms once the video has finished playing. The Custom EndScreen feature allows developers to create a tailored end screen with specific content.


  • A Brightcove account with access to Video Cloud.

  • The Brightcove Web & Smart TV SDK installed in your project.

Usage Example

  1. Import the Player (with UI) class from the Brightcove SDK.

    import { Player, IntegrationsManager } from '@brightcove/web-sdk/ui';
  2. Import the required EndScreen integration classes (Custom or Social).

    import { CustomEndScreenIntegrationFactory } from '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/customEndScreen';
     import { SocialEndScreenIntegrationFactory } from '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/socialEndScreen';
  3. Import the desired EndScreen integration CSS (Custom or Social).

    import '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/customEndScreen/styles';
     import '@brightcove/web-sdk/integrations/socialEndScreen/styles';
  4. Register the chosen EndScreen Integration Factory with the Integrations Manager.



  5. Create and Configure the Player.

    const player = new Player({ accountId: '<your-account-id>' });
         integrations: {
             endScreen: {
     // Configuration for Custom EndScreen
                 custom: {
                     content: '<strong>Content</strong> for <em>custom</em> end screen',
     // Configuration for Social EndScreen
                 social: {
                    title: 'Social Endscreen Title',
                    description: 'Social Endscreen description',
                    services: {
                        facebook: true,
                        twitter: true,
                        tumblr: false,
                        pinterest: false,
                        linkedin: false
  6. Attach the player to a mount root (DOM element in the page):

    const root = document.querySelector('#player-mount-root');

Custom Configuration Summary

This section provides detailed information about the configuration options available for Custom EndScreen when using the Web & Smart TV SDK.

Configuration Option Type Default Description
content string "" Any string literal or HTML that is rendered on the custom endscreen.

Social Configuration Summary

This section provides detailed information about the various configuration options available for Social Sharing Integration when using the Web & Smart TV SDK.

Configuration Option Type Default Description
title string "" Used to provide a title for use in the social overlay. Can be updated dynamically.
description string "" Used to provide a description for use in the social overlay. Can be updated dynamically.
url string "" Used to provide a custom URL that replaces the generated one. Can be updated dynamically.
label string "" Used to provide a label for the social overlay. Can only be updated on initialization of the plugin.
embedCode string "" Used to provide a custom embed code that replaces the generated one. Can be updated dynamically.
embedDomain string "" This value is only used when the embed code is not set. Used to provide a custom domain if proxy is being used. Can be updated dynamically.
embedDimensions boolean false If true, the current dimensions of the player will be provided in the embed code. Can be updated dynamically.
deeplinking boolean false If true, direct links will include a start offset. Can be updated dynamically.
offset string "00:00:00" An offset in "hh:mm:ss" format to use for sharing URLs. Can be updated dynamically.
removeDirect boolean false If true, turns off the direct link. Can be updated dynamically.
removeEmbed boolean false If true, turns off the embed code. Can be updated dynamically.
services SocialSharingConfigurationServices
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • tumblr
  • pinterestk
  • linkedin
Can be updated dynamically.